One Step Forward Education Foundation


One Step Forward Education Foundation strives to positively impact the process of education and create lasting momentum for change one step at a time through a targeted approach to giving. 

One Step Forward Education Foundation was created through the vision of Julia Casady, an educator and mother of four with an unwavering belief in the power of education to transform the lives of children and young adults.

The mission of One Step Forward is to aid this transformation by supporting the development of innovative educational programs around the world. Our founding precept is that achieving and maintaining momentum is critical to success in any endeavor. Because of this belief, One Step Forward celebrates and rewards the determination to take that first or additional step toward a goal, no matter how distant. 

For millions around the world, embracing the transformative power of education is that critical first step. 



Our focus is on children and education with the understanding that positive impact can occur through many different organizations and programs.  

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To learn more about the foundation or to inquire about making a grant proposal

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